Sagittarius April 2014 Horoscope prediction:
Apr is a challenging 30 days to contact. The sun, Venus, and Mars are journeying in a package this 30 days from Aries during to the first 50 percent of the 30 days to Taurus in the second 50 percent. This can have combined results because Venus is conciliatory and awesome, while Mars is competitive and sometimes aggressive. In addition, there's a lunar surpass in Scorpio on the Twenty fifth and eclipses are always crazy credit cards.
Aries symbolizes your solar industry of creativeness, satisfaction, fun, really like, and kids. The thing about the Aries power is that it is not conventional and does not comply with our thoughts of elegance and balance. So, for example, if you have some kind of innovative action that you like to take part in, the mixture of the sun, new celestial satellite, Mercury, Venus, Mars, and Uranus in this indication would motivate you to task conventional esthetics and make something strong and even possibly unpleasant to show yourself.
If you want a new really like or loving interest, the first 50 percent of the 30 days would be a fun a opportunity to make initiatives in this aspect of your life. (FYI: You have excellent connection feelings for about 3 more months).
The Taurus power is more conventional and symbolizes your solar industry of perform, health, tasks, and being particular about factors. If you do need a job or new perform, the second 50 percent of Apr would be a fun a opportunity to take part in these factors.
Now about that lunar surpass. Scorpio is the indication of unwanted, of doing factors so absolutely that it becomes damaging or dangerous. In your solar graph, Scorpio’s excessiveness symbolizes your invisible Achilles’ high heel, the aspect of your characteristics you are either not aware of or try to keep under parcels. You have already got Saturn in this aspect of your graph, trying to persuade you that unwanted is not excellent for you. The lunar surpass provides you a opportunity to let go of something that you usually take too far.